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    Best Application to delete unused local profile in a windows system

    Bellow is the best application to delete all unused local profile in Windows environment ,especially in school or universities, We need to delete bulk amount of local profile.I found below freee application is useful for me.

    Download Application from below site,


    command example :

    Usage: delprof2 [/l] [/u] [/q] [/p] [/r] [/c:[\\]<computername>] [/d:<days> [/ntuserini]] [/ed:<pattern>] [/id:<pattern>] [/i]

           /l   List only, do not delete (what-if mode)
           /u   Unattended (no confirmation)
           /q   Quiet (no output and no confirmation)
           /p   Prompt for confirmation before deleting each profile
           /r   Delete local caches of roaming profiles only, not local profiles
           /c   Delete on remote computer instead of local machine
           /d   Delete only profiles not used in x days
                When determining profile age for /d, use the file NTUSER.INI
                instead of NTUSER.DAT for age calculation
           /ed  Exclude profile directories whose name matches this pattern
                Wildcard characters * and ? can be used in the pattern
                May be used more than once and can be combined with /id
           /id  Include only profile directories whose name matches this pattern
                Wildcard characters * and ? can be used in the pattern
                May be used more than once and can be combined with /ed
           /i   Ignore errors, continue deleting


    Delprof2 /c:computername

           Deletes inactive profiles on 'computername'.

    Delprof2 /c:computername /l

           Lists inactive profiles on 'computername' without deleting them.

    Delprof2 /d:30

           Deletes profiles older than 30 days on the local computer.

    Delprof2 /r

           Deletes locally cached roaming profiles only.

    Delprof2 /ed:admin* /ed:pmiller
      Deletes all inactive profiles on the local computer except those starting with 'admin' and the one called 'pmiller'.

    This the example I used o exclude any particular user as "test1,test2,test3"

    Delprof2.exe /ed:test1 /ed:test2 /ed:test3  or we can use

    Delprof2.exe /ed:test*

    To delete only particular Account like ""test1,test2,test3"

    Delprof2.exe /id:test1 /id:test2 /id:test3

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