Top Paying File Hosting Sites
Check out the following free file hosting sites. File Hosting sites allow anonymous users to download large files without charge,File Hosting sites pay you money per file that's downloaded from you...!!!!! i have experience with some of these sites and here to tell you which sites offer more $.
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- From $7 to up to $30 per 1000 downloads, based on file size and country group
- Affiliate program that offers 20% of the monthly earnings for life of users you refer and sign up
- Multiple uploads, FTP and remote uploads
- Minimum $15 payout each week
- Payment Methods: Paypal, Webmoney, ePassporte and wire transfers
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- Up to $25 per 1000 downloads based on file size and country
- Affiliate program that offers 25% of the monthly earnings for life of users you refer and sign up
- Unlimited downloads for anonymous and free users, thus you can maximize your profit for each file
- FTP and Remote Uploads
- All countries accepted
- 5% commission for all premium accounts purchased
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- Anywhere from $2 to $15 based on file size and country group
- $15 minimum payouts per week
- Affiliate program that offers 20% of the monthly earnings for life of users you refer and sign up
- FTP uploading, remote uploading, your own link list
- Payment Methods: Paypal Webmoney
- 5% commission of all premium account purchases
- $8 to $30 per 1000 downloads based on country group and file size
- Affiliate program that offers 20% of the monthly earnings for life of users you refer and sign up
- $10 minimum payouts twice a week
- Prizes: Ability to earn stably and get 200% of your earnings
- Free software for uploading and downloading files
Bluehost is ultimately one of the best web-hosting company for any hosting services you might need.