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    How to install Oracle VM Manager in Linux server 7.5

    VM Manager Installation
    Oracle Linux 6 or above
     And make sure you have more than 8gb disk space free.
    Mount CD rom to any folder .
    # mount /dev/cdrom /Your foldername
    # mount /dev/sr0  /Your foldername
    Missing required package, Oracle VM Manager requires 'iptables-services' to be installed, you can use 'yum install iptables-services' to install it.
    #yum install iptables-servers
    No package iptables-servers available.
    If it showing error “ No package iptables-servers available “
    #systemctl stop firewalld
    # systemctl disable firewalld
    #systemctl mask firewalld
    # systemctl enable iptables.service
    Then try again ,
    #yum install iptables-servers
    After finish iptables installation , run below command again,
    # ./createOracle.sh
    It will add all required firewall rules in iptables.
    After that if it showing below error , then if your installing vm manger in virtualbox just increase the CPU core or if you are installing ovmmanager in physical machine machine make sure it have multiple core.
    Add a hostname for oracle server
    Manually append "HOSTNAME=xxxxx" into file /etc/sysconfig/network and restart system will not work on Oracle Linux 7.
    For Oracle linux 7 and above,
    # hostnamectl status
    # hostnamectl set-hostname ##static
    Eg: # hostnamectl set-hostname OVM-TESTSRV.oracle.com ##static
    #init 6

    After that just check or add dns configuration.
    And test dns with pinging host name.
    Then stop Network Manager
    # systemctl stop NetworkManager
    # systemctl disable NetworkManager
    # chkconfig --level 235 NetworkManager off
    # chkconfig --list NetworkManager
    #systemctl disable NetworkManager.service
    # systemctl del NetworkManager.service
    Then edit network settings,

    # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

    Verify you should have 8 Gb of Ram
    And execute the command,
    #  ./runInstaller.sh
    If you got an error as show below ,
    “You are trying to run the installer as user 'username'. Please run this installer as root.
    Then run command as root
    # Sudo   ./runInstaller.sh

    If it showing error and is there is no required  hard disk free space or any other prerequisites you can skip pre-req check by following command,
     # Sudo   ./runInstaller.sh -n

    And Wait for all packages need to be installed.

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