To create a local admin Manually in osticket
Open phpmyadmin console
Navigate to your database
Then open SQL and type below command , It will create a local admin "admin1" and password " P@ssw0rd"
First command to create user
INSERT INTO `ost_staff` (`staff_id`, `dept_id`, `role_id`, `username`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `passwd`, `backend`, `email`, `phone`, `phone_ext`, `mobile`, `signature`, `lang`, `timezone`, `locale`, `notes`, `isactive`, `isadmin`, `isvisible`, `onvacation`, `assigned_only`, `show_assigned_tickets`, `change_passwd`, `max_page_size`, `auto_refresh_rate`, `default_signature_type`, `default_paper_size`, `extra`, `permissions`, `created`, `lastlogin`, `passwdreset`, `updated`) VALUES ('5', '1', '1', 'admin1', 'admin1', 'admin1', NULL, 'local', '', '', NULL, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'none', 'Letter', '{"def_assn_role":true}', '{"user.create":1,"user.edit":1,"user.delete":1,"user.manage":1,"user.dir":1,"org.create":1,"org.edit":1,"org.delete":1,"faq.manage":1}', '2021-03-17 09:16:25', NULL, NULL, '2021-03-17 09:16:25');
To update Password:
update ost_staff set passwd = md5('P@ssw0rd') where staff_id='5';
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